Chapter 12: Input and Output
So far, we've been calling printf to print formatted output to the ``standard output'' (wherever that is). We've also been calling getchar to read single characters from the ``standard input,'' and putchar to write single characters to the standard output. ``Standard input'' and ``standard output'' are two predefined I/O streamswhich are implicitly available to us. In this chapter we'll learn how to take control of input and output by opening our own streams, perhaps connected to data files, which we can read from and write to.
12.1 File Pointers and fopen
12.2 I/O with File Pointers
12.3 Predefined Streams
12.4 Closing Files
12.5 Example: Reading a Data File
So far, we've been calling printf to print formatted output to the ``standard output'' (wherever that is). We've also been calling getchar to read single characters from the ``standard input,'' and putchar to write single characters to the standard output. ``Standard input'' and ``standard output'' are two predefined I/O streamswhich are implicitly available to us. In this chapter we'll learn how to take control of input and output by opening our own streams, perhaps connected to data files, which we can read from and write to.
12.1 File Pointers and fopen
12.2 I/O with File Pointers
12.3 Predefined Streams
12.4 Closing Files
12.5 Example: Reading a Data File