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Invisibility Technology: Coming Soon Share

The race to make invisibility technology is on. Invisibility,may soon become a reality and through some interesting implementations, could actually serve as a useful feature in product design.


These are some ways of hacking facebook account. There may be more but this time only these are in my mind.

C Programming Language

is sometimes referred to as a ``high-level assembly language.'' Some people think that's an insult, but it's actually a deliberate and significant aspect of the language.


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Transparent Computer technology has progressed rapidly, keep reading to learn more about this incredible technology.


A projection keyboard is a virtual keyboard that can be projected and touched on any surface. The keyboard watches finger movements and translates them into keystrokes in the device.


Dot net is advanced suite which is removing the walls between applications and the internet.


The general rule with HTML tags is : For every beginning, there is an ending. The tags shown with the forward slash in them / are the ending tags.

Friday 18 March 2011

Projection keyboard

projection keyboard is a virtual keyboard that can be projected and touched on any surface. The keyboard watches finger movements and translates them into keystrokes in the device. Most systems can also function as a virtual mouse or even as a virtual piano. A proposed system called the P-ISM will combine the technology with a small video projector to create a portable computer the size of a fountain pen.
How a projection keyboard generally works:
  1. laser or beamer projects visible virtual keyboard onto level surface
  2. sensor or camera in the projector picks up finger movements
  3. detected co-ordinates determine actions or characters to be generated

Some devices use a second (invisible infrared) beam:
  1. An invisible infrared beam is projected above the virtual keyboard
  2. Finger makes keystroke on virtual keyboard. This breaks infrared beam and infrared light is reflected back to projector
  3. Reflected infrared beam passes through infrared filter to camera
  4. Camera photographs angle of incoming infrared light
  5. Sensor chip determines where infrared beam was broken
  6. detected coordinates determine actions or characters to be generated


Transparent Computer technology has progressed rapidly,
 keep reading to learn more about this incredible technology. 
In recent years, transparent technology advancements have 
made it possible for engineers to design many innovative 
technologies such as, a transparent monitor, transparent 

keyboard, transparent laptop and many more transparent 
computer devices. In this article we’ll discuss such transparent 
computer technology such as, see-through monitors, transparent 
laptops and computers, and clear mouse options, as well.

Those who attended CES 2010 (Consumer Electronics Show)
 in Las Vegas experienced the unveiling of some amazing,
 breakthrough technology. For example, Samsung introduced 
their 14-inch prototype of a transparent laptop that featured 
an AMOLED (active matrix organic light-emitting) display.
 This innovative design features a 40% transparency factor 
and a high-quality resolution of 960 x 540. To date, this is the
 first portable transparent computer prototype that has ever been

Microsoft has built a prototype that has quickly become widely popular,even before it’s release. This protype of a computer is unlike anything we’ve ever seen before. It consists of a simple, clear-glass display that allows input using voice control, touchless motions and eye-tracking. Can you imagine how amazing that would be? You’ll be able to check your e-mail from a clear glass structure, just by waving your hand or post pictures on Facebook using a voice command or use your eyes to motion for the computer to turn off. Truly, the possibilities of transparent technology are endless!
As far as transparent keyboards go, there are several options to choose from. For instance Logisys has created an all clear blue illuminated acrylic keyboard that’s got lots of style. This model has an on/off switch, which brilliantly lights up the keys in blue. This feature works great in the dark. And another clear keyboard option is an all clear multimedia keyboard, which is made of an icy blue colored. This stylish keyboard features large keys so that they’re easy to see. The circuit board is even made from transparent material, which adds to the sleekness. This keyboard is compatible with PS2, as well.
Another aspect of the transparent technology craze is a transparent case that covers any computer tower and allows the user to see inside. This product is manufactured by companies such as ATX, Sunbeam, and Genica. These computer covers come in a variety of transparent colors and feature many different designs. You can even create your own design to add to your computer cover to personalize it, even more.
Transparent technology also extends to the computer mouse, which can be found in various shapes, sizes and colors. Transparent computer mice can be either clear-colored, feature a see-through color, or are transluscent. Some computer mice are filled with gel and many others actually glow-in-the-dark. Many also have special lighting effects also, which allows for a creative touch. These computer mice are ergonomically designed and can be found in sizes ranging from large to mini.
These products are sleek, stylish and allow the user to customize their computer in so many ways. We’ve discussed the clear laptop, a glass-display computer, clear keyboards that light up, see-through computer covers, and transluscent computer mice. Discover this innovative concept because engineers are constantly working on new ideas. Join the transparent computer frenzy by checking out some of these great options, today.

Thursday 17 March 2011


electronic warm shoes is a new health and warm shoes.
it can increase temperature,
dry,keep temperature,clean smell,kill bacteria.
health your body. 6 good cool winter.

you can press the shoes switch to increase the
temperature and keep the temperature.
let your feet always keep can
charge the white day time.
you wear it.this new shoes are suitable with any
 people.including of old people,children,
woman,girls,adults.any people.especial very cool
weather area.
except increase temperatures functions. it also let
 the shoes always keep dry, kill bacteria,
clean the also can massage your feet to let
you keep a health body.
because it can stimulate under of your feet.push your
 blood circle,adjust your blood energy,
improve your body organizer,push your spirit cell rebirth.

another good advantage is:the operation is very simple.
connection the adapter is rechargeable.
7 or 8 hours is ok.when it's full power.the indicator light
will come green.
when you press the shoes switch.the red light shows
increase the temperature.
if you are satisfied with the can press
the swtich again.the green
light will come on.the shoes will always keep this temperature.
when you third press the switch.the shoes stop working.
so it's an easy operation.'s a new and good health and warm electronic
shoes.if you have it.
you will don't have any cool winter.even big snow winter.
you will always feel warm.

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