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Invisibility Technology: Coming Soon Share

The race to make invisibility technology is on. Invisibility,may soon become a reality and through some interesting implementations, could actually serve as a useful feature in product design.


These are some ways of hacking facebook account. There may be more but this time only these are in my mind.

C Programming Language

is sometimes referred to as a ``high-level assembly language.'' Some people think that's an insult, but it's actually a deliberate and significant aspect of the language.


We are youth and youngsters and in todays time only aggressive, passionable, confidential youths can be better businessmen and we can do something else by which we can prove every body that we can create a new world.


The female-only environment of Fitness First for Women means that you'll be totally comfortable working out with us, no matter what shape or size you are - or think you are!


Transparent Computer technology has progressed rapidly, keep reading to learn more about this incredible technology.


A projection keyboard is a virtual keyboard that can be projected and touched on any surface. The keyboard watches finger movements and translates them into keystrokes in the device.


Dot net is advanced suite which is removing the walls between applications and the internet.


The general rule with HTML tags is : For every beginning, there is an ending. The tags shown with the forward slash in them / are the ending tags.

Saturday 11 February 2012

Introducing HTML

  • HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language.
  • It is the base code for web pages.
  • It creates a visual presentation that is displayed by a web browser.

The commands in HTML coding (known as TAGS) are enclosed in angle brackets < >. The tags normally come as a set. One to open a command, and one to close it. Everything between the two tags will be affected by them. The closing tag uses a forward slash / in it. 


Tags are made up of elements, properties, and values. The command letters or words are calledelements. Some elements have declared settings called properties. These properties help describe or shape the way the element will work or function. The property settings are known as values. Some tags can have many properties, others have none. 


The first step in building a web page is entering the FOUNDATION tags. These are the ground level commands that make up the structure of the web page code. 



<title> </title>





The general rule with HTML tags is : For every beginning, there is an ending. The tags shown with the forward slash in them / are the ending tags. 

Hyper Text Markup Language. Most all web pages are written in this code. Did I just say codeinstead of language? Yes! The L does happen to symbolize language, but it referes to the English language. The page is created by the code and the code is written in English. HTML itself is not a language.
An introduction to the web page. In this area, some of the settings for the web page are introduced such as the TITLE, and information for search engines.
The title for the web page. Every good page deserves a name. This name will appear in the title bar at the top of the browser window. It is also used as the file name if someone 'bookmarks' your page or saves it.
Main program section for web page. This is where it all happens.

Friday 19 August 2011

About Dot Net

About Dot Net

If you are an internet user, you may have passed through a term dot net which is actually written as “.net”. It is one of the most important and inevitable features and it is working among us now. It is a software framework for Microsoft Windows Operating System. Some of the products which are released under Microsoft .Net Framework are ASP.NET, which is a software used to build dynamically the web pages and web applications. Dot net technology can support number of languages which works together as a tool to prepare web sites.

Basically, it is a Microsoft operating system platform, which incorporates applications and suites to provide with various tools and services for altering the organization’s web strategies for their web pages and applications. There are four main principles which are necessary to know about dot net.

1- Dot net is advanced suite which is removing the walls between applications and the internet. It do not use the principle of letting on one application or website but it uses the array of computers to connect the users with the services which are exchanged or combined with the data and objects over the array.

2- The software can be rented now with the technology of Microsoft .Net and the principles of purchasing from the store shelf are not used now. In this way, the internet is housing all of the programs and applications now.

3- Users can have access to their personal information or web pages from any server, any location and any time using any kind of device compatible for internet.

4- New ways for accessing data are now available rather than keyboard or mouse input like speech or hand writing recognition making internet more user friendly.

There are four standards of dot net on which it depends and they are: SOAP, HTTP, XML and UDDI. Microsoft aims better response from this product because it has made revolution over the internet. In coming articles, you will come to learn more about dot net.


.NET is an integral part of many applications running on Windows and provides common functionality for those applications to run. This download is for people who need .NET to run an application on their computer.

.NET Framework 4

If you are a software developer, or if you need an earlier version of the .NET Framework, visit the .NET Framework: Download page for additional download options.

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